Monday, August 1, 2011

Hanging up the beer goggles...

Well, it was bound to happen sooner or later.  After four long years of being hip deep in the whole craft beer scene... I've burned out.

In the last few days I've resigned all of my duties as the Mad Man of Beer (i.e., Beer Tap TV, Lower Front Range columnist for the Rocky Mountain Brewing News, Colorado Springs Beer Examiner, this blog, etc. and so on) and will be going on a very long hiatus.  Might be permanent, might not.  Who knows.  It's been fun... now it's not, and when something stops being fun you know it's time to move on.

I'll be out there in cyberspace floating around, and I'll still be drinking great craft beers in all my favorite local watering holes, so if you see me... don't be shy. ;)



Son Beer Love said...

Eli - brother, we'll miss you for sure. You're doing the right thing by taking a step back and getting back to enjoying it. Once it becomes a grind it stops being fun, and that's completely the opposite of what beer should be.

Cheers man, we'll see you soon enough!


Nate - said...

Well I sure hope this isn't the last that we have seen of you but thank you for all that you have done in the craft beer community. I wish you luck in what ever you have planned next.

John Cocktoastin said...

That's a damn shame.

Here's hopin you find greener pastures.


Anonymous said...

Dear Eli,

You will be missed over at Honest Cooking - and we sincerely hope you'll be back after some very well deserved time off.

All the best

Dave said...

We'll miss you Eli. Go enjoy your time away. We'll be waiting whenever you decide to return. Take care Mad Man.