A news report from The Centre Daily Times states that beginning right now beer lovers in the Pacific Northwest (only) will finally be able to get their beer mitts on Crystal Wheat Ale. Up until right before you read this it's only been available at Pyramid Alehouse's.
Seems this is a kick ass beer because it has won three consecutive medals at the Great American Beer Festival in 2005 (Silver), 2006 (Gold) and 2007 (Gold). Crystal Wheat Ale has an ABV of 5.3% and is made with Mt. Hood, US Tettnang, and US Spalt wheat hops and 2 Row Pale Barley.
According to George Arnold, Master Brew for Pyramid, "... Crystal Wheat has been a well-kept secret for too long."
No kidding. Biiiiig gianormous understatement there, George. I love wheat and hefes, and I'm a big fan of Pyramid. I've been to a few of the Alehouse's in my time (granted, the most recent was in the Sacramento Airport)... and I've never seen this particular Wheat Ale. But bet you me I'll be getting hold of some ASAP!
So... who out there in the Great Northwest - land of heaps o' rain and that big hairy dude with big feet - can help me out with that?!