Beer-who? No, Beerdo! And what exactly does Beerdo... do? It's a little Twitter "application" that allows you to quickly rate beers on the fly that get posted across the Twitterverse.
It's so easy even a... well, I was going to say child could do it, but that's a bad analogy. Let's just say it's so easy that a drunken monkey could do it. Simply type the name of the beer you want to rate, followed with your rating (1 - 5 exclamation points depending on how good or bad it is) to @beerdo, and ba-blam... a few seconds later your rating is Twitterized.
Here are a few examples:
- @beerdo Widmer Snow Plow !!!!! = 5 stars for Snow Plow
- @beerdo Lost Abbey Witch's Wit !!!! = 4 stars for Witch's Wit
- @beerdo Leinenkugel's Sunset Wheat !!! = 3 stars for the Leiny
- @beerdo Sam Adams Light !! = 2 stars for Sam Adams Light
- @beerdo MGD ! = 1 star for MGD
Do the right thing and join the beer review revolution! Check out Beerdo today!