I joined their U.F.O. Club ($14 gets you a T-shirt, membership card, and the chance to get your name engraved on a plate and stuck up on the wall). Only... I left the T-shirt sitting on the bench upon my inebriated departure. How inebriated? Well, here's what I had:
- Abita Purple Haze from Abita Brewing Company (Abita Springs, LA)
- Yazoo Hefe-Weizen from Yazoo Brewing Company (Nashville, TN)
- Rochefort 8 from Brasserie de Rochefort (Abbaye de Notre-Dame Saint-Remy)
- Rochefort 10 (a whopping 11.3% ABV)
- Ommegang Hennepin Farmhouse Saison from Brewery Ommegang (Cooperstown, NY)
- Ommegang Abbey
- Dinkel-Acker Dark from Dinkelacker-Schwabenbraue AG (Stuttgart, Germany)
Build-Your-Own Flight sampler that included 5 five ounce pours of:
- Dogfish Head 60 Minute IPA from Dogfish Head Brewery (Milton, DE)
- Yazoo Hefe-Weizen
- Yazoo Dos Perros
- Rogue Shakespear Stout from Rogue Ales Brewery (Newport, OR)
- Dinkel-Acker Dark
- Cream of Wheat - Belgian Witbeir & Guinness
- Raspberry 'n Cream - Belgian Witbeir with a splash of Lindemans Framboise

The two Rocherforts were absolutely exquisite, as were the brews from Ommegang. I was surprised by the maltiness of the Dos Perros and the Dinkel-Acker Dark, but they were a great change of pace to the Belgians I was gulping. The mixers were, surprisingly, very tasty. Ya ya... I like fruit beers. So what?
As you know, I don't do technical reviews. Good. Bad. That's my grading policy. The thing I've found over the years - reviews are wholly subjective to each individual, so why bother? The biggest reason though... I don't like taking notes when I'm drinking beer. I'm drinking beer people - not doing homework! So I've linked every beer I tasted that night to the fine BeerAdvocate community where you can read far more technical reviews of each one. Think I picked some pretty great beers considering the overall score of each one on BA.
You'll notice there are no pix from my excursion. Well, I forgot my digital camera and it was too dark for my lame cell phone camera to function. Guess that means I have to go back soon. Oh... darn. Give me a hollah if you've had any of these beers and let me know your thoughts.
Until next time... Zivjeli!