I know... it makes no sense. Why call it "Oktoberfest" when it starts in September? Blame it on those silly Germans. Those silly, wonderful, beer making, beer guzzling, life loving Germans. Aaaaah...

So... back to this year's spates of Oktoberfests. We may not be going to Munich, but we are definitely going to Denver's Oktoberfest on Larimer Street. Big. Loud. Germany. Lederhoseny. Beery. Fun. This big, bad boy of festivus' runs two consecutive weekends: September 19 - 21 and again on September 26 - 28. Wanna come? Contact me for more info! (Yes, you will have to pay your own damn way!)
We're also going to try and hit the Breckenridge Oktoberfest on September 13 -14. We've been to this one before and it's a hoot. Plus, the location (Main Street, downtown Breck) is to die for! Wanna come? Contact me for more info! (Yes, you will have to pay your own damn way!)
Let the Beer Games Begin!