Nope, I'm not Irish, but damn if I don't love this idea!
Hey, if Hallmark can have their Valentine's Day (a self-loathing, worthless, greed driven "holiday" if there ever was one), why can't Guinness have St. Patty's Day?
Ya, that's what I thought. So unite with Guinness, sign Proposition 3-17, and help make it a holiday!
Proposition 3-17 was started last year by Guinness to make St. Patrick's Day an official holiday in the United States. This year they're continuing their pursuit of this "noble" cause. While they gained a lot of support (yes, I signed last year too) they still need one million signatures. So I'm asking all of you beer loving folks out there on the Interwebs to support Proposition 3-17. Who doesn't want to make history, right?