What the hell does all that mean? No clue.

At first glance through its shinny pages (the mag looks gorgeous) you'll find somewhat juvenile humor laced throughout (comparing toilet papers?). You'll also notice the gorgeous babes and their boobs. Nothing sells beer like babes and boobs. And toilet paper. I know sex sells, and it goes hand in hand with all the beer ads we've seen for years on television, so its par for the course.
But don't let all that fool you. It did me at first. Beneath the glossy babes is a helluva good magazine. Unlike many of the staid, ultra-conservative beer oriented rags... Beer Magazine is different. In a good way. The last thing we needed is another "thinking man's" beer mag. I give huge props to Derek and Mike for seemingly combining frat boy beer mentality that will sell millions of issues to the Beer Bongers of the world, with beer knowledge that will sell to millions of beer enthusiasts. Sounds like a winning combo to me!
I give Beer Magazine two solid beer thumbs up, and look forward to this becoming a 12-times-a-year mag!