Well, Great Lakes is back with another tournament -- the Global Warming Open! This one matches "refreshing summer beers against one another to determine the most refreshing beer in America." Now we're talking! As before, users can participate by picking the winners in each round. Go check out the brackets, sign up and make your predictions.
Think you can you beat the Mad Beer Man in a summertime throw down? I dare ya! No... I double dog dare ya! ;)
Weekend Brew Event Alert:
Bristol Brewing here in the Springs is having a small get-together for no particular reason on Saturday. Gotta love the BB Gang! Join 'em from 3pm - 5pm for original music from local favorite John Stone!
Rocky Mountain Brewery (625 Paonia St., Colorado Springs, just off Powers Blvd. near Platte -- the location of the defunct Blick's Brewery) is having their "official" unveiling Saturday. I have no details, but swing by and check it out if you can!
Great Divide is having their 14th Anniversary party up at their newly expanded brewery in Denver Saturday from 2pm - 6pm. A ten spot (all of which is being donated to charity) will get you beer, BBQ and live music from three different bands. Check out the 411 here!
Have a great weekend all!