Thursday, July 19, 2007

Beer. Approprate for all things!

Thanks to our friends Mark and Heather out in Iowa (who we met in Negril, Jamaica during our vacation this past April) for sending over these absolutely hilarious beer related photos. Thanks guys!

Panic Floods Ireland!

We’ve all seen the faces of those ravaged by the floods of Sri Lanka and New Orleans… This "award-winning" photograph of the recent flood waters rising in Ireland captures the horror and suffering there. Keep these people in your thoughts and prayers!

Moving on to a lighter note...

The Cat's Meow

Now what would happen if the Cat in the Hat got drunk? Ponder no longer!

The Chronicles of Brewing, Part Three - El Finito!

Entry #4, Wednesday, July 18, 2007

This my friends is a bitter beer face.

Yup, my first batch of homebrew was a miserable failure. It looked good, had a nice head, but didn't smell right. And the taste? Sour? You don't know the half of it. Simply stated, this isn't beer I'd let my dog drink.

But I'm not going to let that deter me. I've ordered up a fresh batch of ingredients (I'm hoping the fact that this sucker sat around for 3 years was the culprit) and I'll give it the ole college try one more time. If that fails, well... like many things in life - I tried, I failed, I learned from my mistakes and moved on.

Thankfully the world's supply of beer does not rest on my shoulders.