Fact is I've been beery busy elsewhere in the Beer-o-sphere. Aside from writing 3 - 4 articles every week as the Southern Colorado Beer Examiner, I was also recently made VP of Content & Programming at Beer Tap TV , which means I have even less time to write here. On top of all that I'm still a freelance writer scribbling about other things. I have several pens in the inkwell, including the possibility of writing for one of the coolest beer mags (sorry, can't say which one at the moment), and I'm still writing the occasional video game article (a big write up about DC Universe Online will be published in the next issue of Beckett's Massive Online Gamer Magazine).
But back to Beer Tap TV... we're growing exponentially every week and 2009 is gonna be off the tap crazy. So if you've missed what's been going on now's a good time to catch up. Since the week of December 7 we've been banging out 4 episodes a week - three Taste Buds and a Beer Buzz. Within the next few weeks we'll be adding another new show (so we'll have a new show 5 days a week). As you may recall I was writing The Beer Bucket List column for MOJO135. Well, MOJO officially closed it's doors on December 1st. We're converting that written column into what should be a very cool televised show.
So there ya have it. I want to wish all those who have have been reading this little slice of beery goodness a very Hoppy Brew Year! Be sure to drink in 2009 with a great craft beer... it's the new champagne you know. ;)
Until next year... Zivjeli!