This year I was thankful for having three NFL games on TV instead of the regular two, the continuing surge of great American craft beer, and as always... my loving wife (Fran, from "For the Love of Fran's Food" blog), who puts up with my maddening and time consuming passion of the liquid libation known as beer.

As most of you know I'm the co-host of the only televised beer news show in the known universe - Beer Buzz on Beer Tap TV. On our Thanksgiving Day episode, Tryptophantastic Beer News, we shed our Everyday Joe Clothes to become... The Bombastic Beer Busters! On it we burst the gravy bubble on a few long standing myths associated with beer, Thanksgiving and the Pilgrims. Myths like: Did the Pilgrims land at Plymouth Rock because they ran out of beer? Was the first building they erected a brewery? And, did they have beer at the first Thanksgiving? Be sure to check it out for all the answers.
On T-Day I sucked down a few incredible beers in order to wash down all that turkey, gravy, and pumpkin pie. The first was New Belgium's 2° Below Winter Ale, a super tasty winter warmer that went well with the snick-snacks prior to the larger feast. Next on the docket was Odell's Isolation Ale, another winter warmer. Last but certainly not least was Treblehook, a mighty fine barley wine from Redhook Brewing up in Woodinville, Washington. All three went very well with the food of the day. So... tell me, what beers did you imbibe on Gobble Day?
As you know I don't do in-depth analysis' of beers because everyone else on the Interwebs does them... better. However, if you want to see what Erik and Dusty from Beer Tap TV thought of these brews, check out Taste Buds #157 (Treblehook), and #161 (2° Below).

But I'll make this promise - let's call it an early New Year's Resolution... I'll post more often. All the "legit article" ideas have to go to the other spots first, but I'll try to drop in my own personal beer-adventures. After all, that's what blogs are for, right?
So with that... I hope ya'll have a wonderful holiday season. For now, I'll leave you with this: what seasonal holiday beer are you looking forward to the most?
Until next time... Zivjeli!