So, instead of focusing on one movie, let's do a six pack of 'em... quick shot style!
Extract - 2 1/2 stars. A complete and total snoozer starring Ben Affleck, Jason Bateman, Kristen Wiig, Gene Simmons, and the super hot Mila Kunis. It's directed by Mike Judge (he of Beavis & Butthead fame). And it's still a yawner. You'll spend more time trying to figure out what's on tap at the bar Ben Affleck's character owns than caring what happens next. Watch this with a case of Pabst Blue Ribbon (Any Liquor Store, In Your Neighborhood) by your side cuz watching this makes you feel as bored and bland as that so called "beer."

Love Happens - 3 1/2 stars. A romantic comedy with the always smokin' hot Jennifer Aniston and the guy who looks like Jon Bon Jovi (Aaron Eckhart). Cute. Not one of my favorite romcoms, but still worth watching. For this particular chick flick try sucking down a few bottles of Hot Monkey Love, an 11% Old Ale from Pratt Street Ale House (Baltimore, Maryland). You know why.
Zombieland - 2 1/2 stars. WTF is the deal with the hysteria over this flick? It's getting 4.5 stars on Netflix. Sorry, I just don't get it. Typically I love these kind of movies (Shaun of the Dead is epically classic) because killing zombies is always a good time. It has a great cast including Bill Murray, Woody Harrelson, Abigail Breslin, and Jesse Eisenberg. Has some funny scenes (not nearly enough), and a great list of rules to get you through a a zombie apocalypse. Sadly it's just not all that entertaining. It would make for a great party game though. Eat a Twinkie and a drink a brew every time a zombie goes down. A case of Sawtooth Ale from Left Hand (Longmont, Colorado) will work nicely.
Surrogates - 3 1/2 stars. A sci-fi thriller starring Bruce Willis, James Cromwell and Ving Rhames. Set in the near future where humans hibernate at home while living their lives vicariously through robot surrogates... wait. Don't people who play World of Warcraft kinda do that? I kid! Sorta. While not a WoWer myself, I do play City of Heroes, so I get it. Surrogates is just the kind of movie that begs for any brew from Lazy Boy Brewing in Everett, Washington.

Up next... Law Abiding Citizen! Ooooooh yaaaaa!