Alas, it is not to be. Not this year. Perhaps in years to come the wife (who is 100% German and has relatives that actually OWN a real life, honest to God brewery in the land of milk and honey, er - malt and barley) and I will make it over there - Lederhosen and Dirndl and all. It will most certainly be a pilgrimage. One that I may not come back from.
As I scour the official Octoberfest website checking out all the glorious pictures of fests gone by... and watching my favorite TV host and official "HERO" (Zane Lamprey) galavant around the fest on his show Three Sheets (the best show on TV)... I realize that the Munich Octoberfest is really one big adult Disneyland replete with a never ending supply of glorious brew, gianormouse pretzels, brats and all things German yumminess.

But not all is lost! Our bestest friend Nay Nay is having a party today - ironically enough, on all days - so we shall make our own Octoberfest! Yes, that is what we shall do for that is what we Americans (well, those of us who aren't fat, lazy and stupid) do: adapt, improvise, and overcome. So shall it be!
So my fellow beer geeks... as you go about your day, dreaming about what it must be like to be in Munich right at this very moment hoisting one liter mugs of that oh so tasty elixir of the gods... find a good beer at some point, raise it to the East (or West, depending on how drunk you are) and give a Prost!
I'll hear ya!