Happy Valentine’s Day… or not. From 6 to 9 p.m. on the 14th Great Divide is having an Anti-Valentine’s Day Party with snacks, $3 Bloody Yetis, and free kisses for singles.* There will also be a Black Saturday Ritual where anyone and everyone will be encouraged to destroy something from a past relationship.
*All free kisses will be from Tap Room Manager Patrick Langlois with no discrimination whatsoever toward the recipient.

LOVE IT! My wife and I are very happily married. And I absolutely detest the blatant "Hallmark Holiday" that Valentine's has become. It's nothing more than a fake "holiday" to sell shit - chocolate, jewelry, whatever. Frankly, it's disgusting.
If you have to buy stuff to show your love... you're doing something wrong.
But since we're on the topic of V-Day and this is a beer blog, here are a few of my fave craft brews that might help set the perfect mood, and might even convince your non-beer loving lover to change their non-beer loving ways:
What are your favorites?
My wife and I long ago gave up celebrating this money grab by the greeting card/chocolate/candle/jewelry cabal. Too bad we don't live close; we'd love to go.
Sadly, we can't bring ourselves to have our young children excused from VD school activities. So, we suffer through. It'll be over soon.
Could not agree more! We usually go out to dinner and that's about it. Same this year, but can't say where since she's watching. ;) Needless to say it will have great food, great wine and great beer.
Sorry to have missed this post until now...
In my happy relationship we look for the seasonal release of a lovely black beer from Russian River done only for Valentines day and called... wait for it...
Like a Belgian Stout, only not. A very nice beer. Cheers!
in my happy relationship we look for the seasonal release of a lovely black beer from Russian River done only for Valentines day and called... wait for it...
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